Wedding Makeup
Oggi mi dedicherò a raccontarvi qualcosa sulla bellezza ed in particolare sul Make Up della sposa per il giorno più importante e lo farò attraverso le parole di Francesca Digiorgio, Make Up Artist e professionista del settore, che mi ha rilasciato un’intervista in cui spiega molto bene come deve essere il trucco di una sposa.
Buona lettura!
Today, in this space, I’d like to talk to you about beauty, and particularly about the bride’s make up on her most important day. I will do this through the words of Francesca Digiorgio, a makeup artist and a professional of this sector. I interviewed her some time ago and she explained very clearly how a bride’s make up should be.
Enjoy reading!
Today, in this space, I’d like to talk to you about beauty, and particularly about the bride’s make up on her most important day. I will do this through the words of Francesca Digiorgio, a makeup artist and a professional of this sector. I interviewed her some time ago and she explained very clearly how a bride’s make up should be.
Enjoy reading!

“Ci sono un sacco di libri, programmi tv, riviste, tutorial web che spiegano step by step, come deve truccarsi una sposa. Ci sono molte alternative da cui prendere spunto, e quindi non voglio annoiarvi a morte ripetendo quello che forse avete sentito e risentito migliaia di volte.
Mi limiterò a suggerirvi un paio di accorgimenti che reputo fondamentali per la buona riuscita di un trucco sposa: non abbiate paura di sperimentare più look per il vostro giorno del matrimonio, fino a quando non troverete nello specchio la vostra immagine che avevate pensato di voi immaginandovi “sposa”. Se il truccatore/truccatrice vi propone nel pacchetto make up una o più prove trucco, non è una truffa! E’, invece, un processo importante, che vi aiuterà a scoprire quale look vi sta meglio e che più sentite “vostro”.
Fatevi truccare nel modo che vi sentite. Nel trucco sposa non c’è una regola: se normalmente non vi truccate affatto, non abbiate paura a chiedere un make up molto naturale; se invece, tutti i giorni utilizzate un trucco deciso, non è detto (soprattutto se non vi piace) che dobbiate indossare per il vostro matrimonio un trucco leggero. C’è sempre molta pressione su come debba apparire una sposa, ma sentirvi a disagio… non vi aiuterà affatto.
Applicate un fondotinta con bassa protezione solare. In alcuni fondotinta con fattore di protezione solare è contenuto il biossido di titanio, un ingrediente che reagirà ai flash rendendovi più pallide. Sempre per la loro reazione ai flash, anche gli ombretti, ciprie e rossetti perlescenti (o glitter) vanno evitati;
per il trucco sposa, infatti, sarebbe l’ideale truccare prima gli occhi e poi partire con la base.
Non esagerare con la cipria. Troppa cipria rende un viso troppo “ingessato”. Limitatevi a applicarla bene nella zona T (fronte, naso, mento).
Il trucco deve essere perfetto dal vivo e per le foto. Finita la prova trucco, fatevi fare una foto con una macchina fotografica munita di flash (no con telefonini). Questo vi aiuterà a vedere come il trucco rende in fotografia.”There are a lot of books, television programs, periodicals and web tutorials that explain step by step the bride’s make up. There are so many options that we can use and so I will not annoy you with things that you may have heard over and over again.
I will just give you a couple of hints that I retain fundamental for a perfect bride’s make up. Do not be afraid of trying different make ups until in the mirror you will find the perfect one for you. If the makeup artist will include in the price a number of makeup tests be sure that it’s not a hoax! It’s important that through these trials you can find the right makeup for you, the one that you feel really yours.
Choose your make up according to what you are usually used to apply. There aren’t any written rules for a bride’s makeup: if you generally don’t use make up don’t be afraid to ask a very natural makeup, if again you use heavier makeup, no one says that you shouldn’t use the same kind for the wedding, especially if that’s what you like. A bride is very often under pressure and for that day, she should be free to feel comfortable with herself.
Apply a foundation with a low sun protection. Some foundations contain titanium dioxides which reacts with the flash lights and gives you a pale glance. For the same reaction to the flash lights, pearly or glitter eye shadows, powder of lipsticks should be avoided. The ideal in a bride’s makeup should be to start from the eyes and only after that you can begin from the base.
Do not exaggerate with makeup powder. Too much will give your face a plaster effect. Limit the use to the “T” area (forehead, nose and chin).
Makeup should be perfect both for photographs and live. Once the test is finished, you should be photographed with a camera set with a flash (do not use a mobile phone). This will help you see how the makeup looks in a photo.
I will just give you a couple of hints that I retain fundamental for a perfect bride’s make up. Do not be afraid of trying different make ups until in the mirror you will find the perfect one for you. If the makeup artist will include in the price a number of makeup tests be sure that it’s not a hoax! It’s important that through these trials you can find the right makeup for you, the one that you feel really yours.
Choose your make up according to what you are usually used to apply. There aren’t any written rules for a bride’s makeup: if you generally don’t use make up don’t be afraid to ask a very natural makeup, if again you use heavier makeup, no one says that you shouldn’t use the same kind for the wedding, especially if that’s what you like. A bride is very often under pressure and for that day, she should be free to feel comfortable with herself.
Apply a foundation with a low sun protection. Some foundations contain titanium dioxides which reacts with the flash lights and gives you a pale glance. For the same reaction to the flash lights, pearly or glitter eye shadows, powder of lipsticks should be avoided. The ideal in a bride’s makeup should be to start from the eyes and only after that you can begin from the base.
Do not exaggerate with makeup powder. Too much will give your face a plaster effect. Limit the use to the “T” area (forehead, nose and chin).
Makeup should be perfect both for photographs and live. Once the test is finished, you should be photographed with a camera set with a flash (do not use a mobile phone). This will help you see how the makeup looks in a photo.

Personalmente, consiglio alle spose di utilizzare come rossetti quelli a lunga tenuta o in alternativa le tinte labbra con un po’ di gloss trasparente applicato sopra. Non c’è niente di più brutto che una sposa che arriva al rinfresco senza ombra di colore sulle labbra.
Truccate anche un po’ le… orecchie! Effettivamente può sembrare strana come affermazione, ma le nostre orecchie riflettono le nostre emozioni, e quando le emozioni sono molto forti… arrossiscono. Meglio coprirle con un po’ di base per evitare questo antiestetico rossore.
Anche se non le avete mai usate e credete che siano “troppo” per voi, indossate delle ciglia finte… non c’è occasione migliore! Ciglia finte a ciuffetti o a nastro aiuteranno il Vostro sguardo ad aprirsi e se applicate nel modo giusto concorreranno, insieme al trucco, a migliorare il vostro aspetto.
Buon Trucco!”
Personally I advice the brides to use long lasting lipsticks, or otherwise with tint lips, a transparent gloss. It would be terrible for a bride to arrive to the party without colour on her lips.
Some make up on the ears too! It may sound funny to say, but our ears reflect our emotions and when the emotions are very strong our ears tend to get red. Better cover them with some basic cream that will hide that terrible redness.
Even if you’ve never used them, and you think that they are too much for you, try using fake eyelashes…there is no better occasion to try them! Fake lashes with tufts or straight will open out your look and if they are well fixed, they will help you look better together with the rest of your makeup!
A good make up to you!”
Personally I advice the brides to use long lasting lipsticks, or otherwise with tint lips, a transparent gloss. It would be terrible for a bride to arrive to the party without colour on her lips.
Some make up on the ears too! It may sound funny to say, but our ears reflect our emotions and when the emotions are very strong our ears tend to get red. Better cover them with some basic cream that will hide that terrible redness.
Even if you’ve never used them, and you think that they are too much for you, try using fake eyelashes…there is no better occasion to try them! Fake lashes with tufts or straight will open out your look and if they are well fixed, they will help you look better together with the rest of your makeup!
A good make up to you!”

Grazie Francesca per questi tuoi, preziosissimi consigli!
A presto, amici…Thank you Francesca, for your very precious tips!
See you soon my friends…
See you soon my friends…