Green Wedding
In America, Inghilterra, Canada e paesi anglofoni lo chiamano Green Wedding, termine che potremmo tradurre in italiano con nozze verdi o, ancora meglio, matrimoni sostenibili. A praticarlo sono coppie attente all’ambiente, consapevoli dell’impatto che le celebrazioni, la festa, il rinfresco e gli spostamenti degli invitati potrebbero avere sul pianeta e sull’economia locale. Del resto, basta fermarsi un attimo a riflettere per capire che centinaia di persone che si muovono e mangiano a volontà nello stesso giorno lasciano un’impronta ecologica notevole. Proprio a questo problema cerca di porre rimedio chi decide di sposarsi in modo sostenibile. Per farlo non bisogna certo rivoluzionare il matrimonio: l’importante è organizzarsi per tempo ed essere disposti a cambiare per qualche ora le nostre abitudini e quelle degli invitati.
In America, England, Canada and other English speaking countries it is known as Green Wedding, a term that can easily be translated in Italian in the same way, green wedding or even better eco-friendly wedding.
The couple that choose this kind of wedding, are usually very careful of the environment, aware of how the celebrations, the party, the reception and the guest’s movements could affect the planet and the local economy. If you think about it, it is easy to realize how more or less hundred people that move around, eat plenty all in the same day, can leave a remarkable track on ecology. Who chooses to wed with a eco-friendly wedding tries to find a solution to this problem. To do this it is not necessary to change completely a wedding: it is important to organize things before time and to be willing to change the guests and our usual habits for a couple of hours.
Even the best day of your life can therefore be zero impact: between the eco-trends of the moment, there is that of organizing a happy wedding for you and your Earth.
The ecological wedding is the couples’ careful choice, but often finding the right location or adapting the menu with your life philosophy is not so simple.

Le nozze sostenibili sono ormai una vera e propria tendenza per chi ha fatto della tutela ambientale uno stile di vita, un valore da celebrare proprio in un giorno così memorabile.
This kind of wedding is now a real trend for all whose lifestyle is the environment protection, a value that can be celebrated especially on that important day.
It is easy to find a Fair trade wedding dress, the invitations can be written on rice paper or using a bamboo craftsman, in favor of charity and not of pollution, the same as the bonsai as party favors or even jars of honey.
Here I am then, awaiting you for this adventure!
A presto!
See you soon!