Chocolate Wedding!
L’inverno mi fa pensare ai caminetti crepitanti, alle coperte di lana, alla neve che cade leggera e ovviamente a una bella tazza di cioccolata fumante!
Niente sa ritemprarti e coccolarti meglio di una cioccolata calda, con il suo profumo delizioso e il suo gusto dolce e irresistibile!
La cioccolata calda piace ai bambini di tutte le età e ci riporta un po’ indietro con la memoria a quando eravamo piccoli e la mamma ci preparava una tazza fumante di questa bevanda deliziosa per riscaldarci in un giorno di festa! E allora perché non scegliere proprio il cioccolato, con il suo gusto avvolgente e il suo profumo inebriante, come il leitmotiv del vostro matrimonio invernale?
I suoi colori caldi regalano all’allestimento un tocco di eleganza vintage e ricercata, il bouquet assumerà sfumature inaspettate, l’abito avrà dei dettagli indimenticabili e usato nelle sue tre varianti fondente, al latte e bianco, diventerà un’originale bomboniera golosa, che saprà accontentare i gusti di tutti i vostri invitati!
Proprio ispirandomi ai colori dei tre tipi di cioccolato, ho creato questa moodboard calda, avvolgente e stuzzicante, che potrà essere di ispirazione se cercate qualche idea per il vostro winter wedding!
Alla prossima board!Winter makes me think of crackling fireplaces, woollen blankets, snow that falls gently and obviously a lovely cup of hot chocolate!
Nothings seems to restore or cuddle you better than a hot cup of chocolate, with that delicious sweetness and that irresistible taste!
All ages of children love hot chocolate and it brings us back with memories when we were small and our mother prepared a lovely cup of hot chocolate to keep us warm during the holidays! Therefore why not choose this lovely sweetness, with its enveloping taste and exciting aroma as the leitmotiv of your winter wedding?
The colours of chocolate give the setting a touch of refined and vintage elegance, the bouquet will take on unexpected shades, the wedding dress, unforgettable details. Used in its three versions, dark, white and milk it can become an original and greedy favour and it will satisfy all your guests!
It was drawing inspiration from the three colours of chocolate I created this warm mood board, enveloping and exciting, which could be an idea for your winter wedding!
All ages of children love hot chocolate and it brings us back with memories when we were small and our mother prepared a lovely cup of hot chocolate to keep us warm during the holidays! Therefore why not choose this lovely sweetness, with its enveloping taste and exciting aroma as the leitmotiv of your winter wedding?
The colours of chocolate give the setting a touch of refined and vintage elegance, the bouquet will take on unexpected shades, the wedding dress, unforgettable details. Used in its three versions, dark, white and milk it can become an original and greedy favour and it will satisfy all your guests!
It was drawing inspiration from the three colours of chocolate I created this warm mood board, enveloping and exciting, which could be an idea for your winter wedding!
Till the next board!