Rustic and country chic, natura ed eleganza.
Per gli sposi amanti della natura che desiderano costruire un evento all’insegna dello stile, le nozze country chic sono particolarmente indicate. Si tratta di un trend del momento che ha come testimonial personaggi dello star system internazionale.
C’è chi lo sogna elegante ed extra lusso. Chi lo preferisce minimal e chi vintage. Anche il matrimonio è una questione di gusti, che si soddisfano rievocando le emozioni e le atmosfere del proprio tema del cuore.
Per gli amanti della natura, oggi voglio proporvi un matrimonio country, un matrimonio rurale, d’altri tempi, dove cielo e terra si mescolano e tradizione e gusto sono gli invitati d’onore.
A country chic wedding is perfect for those spouses that love nature and want to create a stylish event. This is very trendy nowadays and many celebrities of the international star system can testify.
There are those that dream of it as elegant and lush. There are those that prefer it minimal and others vintage. A wedding is a question of liking that can be satisfied recalling the emotions and the atmospheres that you keep in your heart.
For those who love nature, today I would like to suggest a country wedding, a rural wedding of other times, where sky and earth blend and where tradition and taste are guests of honor.
A country chic wedding is perfect for those spouses that love nature and want to create a stylish event. This is very trendy nowadays and many celebrities of the international star system can testify.
There are those that dream of it as elegant and lush. There are those that prefer it minimal and others vintage. A wedding is a question of liking that can be satisfied recalling the emotions and the atmospheres that you keep in your heart.
For those who love nature, today I would like to suggest a country wedding, a rural wedding of other times, where sky and earth blend and where tradition and taste are guests of honor.

La sposa sarà perfetta nel suo stile semplice, con un abito morbido e svolazzante in organza, con un trucco impercettibile e naturale, con capelli raccolti in una treccia e decorati magari con una coroncina di fiori di campo. Il bouquet, invece, potrà essere una composizione creata da fiori appena raccolti. E le damigelle potrebbero accompagnarla deliziosamente scalze!The bride will be perfect in her simple style, with a soft and fluttering organza dress. Her makeup will be natural and her hair closed up in a plait that can be decorated with a small crown of wildflowers. The bouquet could be made up with flowers just picked. The bridesmaids could walk with the bride delightfully barefoot!

Ideale è un antico borgo che già da solo è in grado di trasmettere emozioni autentiche, genuine e uniche.
Vegetazione lussureggiante, una fontana centrale e l’intrattenimento di uccellini e grilli sono la cornice naturale perfetta per un matrimonio rustico e country, che verrà arricchita da fiori e piante rampicanti per gli allestimenti. Perfetti e adeguati anche la lavanda, i girasoli e le erbe aromatiche.
Piccole piantine invece saranno usate come segnaposto…
Piccole piantine invece saranno usate come segnaposto…
Che cosa ve ne pare?
The ideal location could be an ancient village which could transmit real, unique and simple emotions.
Luxuriant vegetation, a central fountain and the entertainment of birds and crickets are the natural frame for a perfect country and rural wedding. It will be enriched with flowers and climbing plants. Lavender, sunflowers and aromatic herbs are perfect and suitable. Small plants could be used as placeholders…
What do you think about it?
The ideal location could be an ancient village which could transmit real, unique and simple emotions.
Luxuriant vegetation, a central fountain and the entertainment of birds and crickets are the natural frame for a perfect country and rural wedding. It will be enriched with flowers and climbing plants. Lavender, sunflowers and aromatic herbs are perfect and suitable. Small plants could be used as placeholders…
What do you think about it?
