Damigelle d onore
In primo luogo bisogna sapere che il ruolo della damigella d’onore generalmente è assunto dalla migliore amica o dalla parente più amata (sorella, cugina, etc.), escludendo la madre. Se quindi siete state scelte come damigelle d’onore, significa che la persona ripone nei vostri confronti una piena fiducia e che vi ha scelto in modo particolare per condividere il suo Grande Giorno; ma soprattutto vuol dire che siete una delle persone più importanti della sua vita!
Ad alcune di voi sarà sicuramente già capitato: la migliore amica si sposa e vi chiede di farle da damigella d’onore…
L’usanza di avere delle damigelle d’onore arriva dagli Stati Uniti e si sta diffondendo sempre di più anche in Italia. E allora come ci dobbiamo comportare se la nostra amica desidera averci in questo ruolo nel giorno del suo matrimonio?
What we have to know is that the bridesmaid is usually the bride’s best friend or a very near parent (a sister or a cousin) but not the mother. Therefore, if you are chosen as a bridesmaid, it means that the bride has a great trust on you and has chosen you because she wants to share her Big Day with you, but mainly because you are one of the most important person in her life!
What we have to know is that the bridesmaid is usually the bride’s best friend or a very near parent (a sister or a cousin) but not the mother. Therefore, if you are chosen as a bridesmaid, it means that the bride has a great trust on you and has chosen you because she wants to share her Big Day with you, but mainly because you are one of the most important person in her life!
I believe it has already happened to some of you: your best friend gets married and chooses you as her bridesmaid…
The custom to have bridesmaids comes from the United States and it’s becoming very common also here in Italy. What do we have to do then, if our best friend wants us as a bridesmaid at her wedding?

Nel giorno del matrimonio la damigella (o le damigelle, se più di una) sarà parte attiva dell’evento. La damigella ha il compito di aiutare la sposa a vestirsi, accompagnarla all’altare aiutandola a sistemare l’abito quando deve sedersi o camminare, coordinare i paggetti che portano le fedi nuziali e supervisionare il tutto affinché ogni cosa vada a buon fine.
L’abito della damigella viene solitamente scelto dalla sposa ed in linea generale vale la regola del bon ton: sono quindi da bandire abiti audaci e troppo scollati. Da evitare il colore nero ed anche il bianco; inoltre visto che in un matrimonio si possono avere fino a otto damigelle è il caso che l’abito sia uguale.
Sono perfetti abiti verdi, viola ma anche pastello. Abito lungo oppure corto? Dipende dall’orario della cerimonia; se di mattina l’abito lungo non è adatto. Per quanto riguarda invece la scelta delle scarpe non ci sono divieti particolari e nei mesi più caldi le damigelle possono portare anche dei sandali.
The day of the wedding, the bridesmaid (or bridesmaids if there is more than one) will have a active role. She has the task to help the bride dress, follow her to the altar helping her with the dress when she sits or when walking, organize the pageboys with the wedding rings and generally take care that everything works out on that day.
The bridesmaid’s dress is usually chosen by the bride and even for the dress we have to follow the rules of bon ton: low-cut or sexy dresses are banned. We have to avoid black or white colour and since in a wedding we can have up to eight bridesmaids, their dresses should be the same.
The perfect colours could be green, violet but also pastel colours. Long or short dress? Depends on the time of the wedding; in the morning, a long dress is not suitable. As for the shoes, there is no particular rule to follow: in the hot season, the bridesmaids can wear sandals.
The day of the wedding, the bridesmaid (or bridesmaids if there is more than one) will have a active role. She has the task to help the bride dress, follow her to the altar helping her with the dress when she sits or when walking, organize the pageboys with the wedding rings and generally take care that everything works out on that day.
The bridesmaid’s dress is usually chosen by the bride and even for the dress we have to follow the rules of bon ton: low-cut or sexy dresses are banned. We have to avoid black or white colour and since in a wedding we can have up to eight bridesmaids, their dresses should be the same.
The perfect colours could be green, violet but also pastel colours. Long or short dress? Depends on the time of the wedding; in the morning, a long dress is not suitable. As for the shoes, there is no particular rule to follow: in the hot season, the bridesmaids can wear sandals.
Siete pronte allora per questo difficile ma bellissimo compito?Are you then ready for this difficult but lovely duty?