Addio al nubilato . Bachelorette
Per accompagnarvi questa settimana, ho deciso di raccontarvi qualcosina di interessante sull’addio al nubilato, perchè se anche se a molte non piace, é una tradizione americana che ormai spopola anche da noi e sempre più numerose sono le spose che scelgono di congedarsi con le amiche dalla loro condizione di single!
Ma come vivere ed organizzare un addio al nubilato originale e differente? Ecco qualche dritta.
La prima regola imprescindibile è che, in un party che si rispetti, tutta l’organizzazione spetta ai vostri amici e/o parenti. Non azzardatevi ad alzare un dito, anzi, meno ne sapete meglio è! Rilassatevi e sfruttate l’occasione per lasciarvi coccolare. Vedrete che quella che per molti è croce e delizia, si può trasformare in un’esperienza indimenticabile.
To follow you through this week, I decided to tell you something interesting about the hen party. Even if a lot of you may not like it much, this American tradition has become very popular here in Italy, and a lot of brides choose this kind of way to take leave from their single condition!
But how do we organize and live an original and different hen party? Here are some hints.
The first essential rule is that in a respectable party, all the organization is due to friends and parents. Don’t dare move a finger! The less you know the better it is!
Relax and use the occasion to be cuddled by your friends. You’ll be sure that this experience will be unforgettable for you.
To follow you through this week, I decided to tell you something interesting about the hen party. Even if a lot of you may not like it much, this American tradition has become very popular here in Italy, and a lot of brides choose this kind of way to take leave from their single condition!
But how do we organize and live an original and different hen party? Here are some hints.
The first essential rule is that in a respectable party, all the organization is due to friends and parents. Don’t dare move a finger! The less you know the better it is!
Relax and use the occasion to be cuddled by your friends. You’ll be sure that this experience will be unforgettable for you.
Prima di procedere con i preparativi, gli organizzatori dovrebbero fare luce in merito ai gusti della festeggiata, per non correre il rischio di pianificare a puntino una festa che non rispecchi il suo stile. D’altronde, i riflettori sono puntati su di lei anche in questa divertente circostanza e sono, quindi, da considerarsi sconvenienti gli eccessi che potrebbero risultare inappropriati, offensivi o fuori luogo.
Ricordarsi, poi, di organizzare la festa di addio al celibato o nubilato con il dovuto anticipo rispetto al giorno del matrimonio: si consiglia generalmente una settimana prima. In tal modo, le occhiaie per i ‘bagordi’ della serata saranno andate via in tempo per la fatidica data!
Before starting off with the organization, the promoter should have clear in mind the likings of the guest of honor . It could be risky to plan a party that is not in the guest’s style.
After all, the spot lights are on her even in this amusing moment. Every excess is therefore not suitable and could end up offensive and out of place.
You should also remember that a hen party has to be organized with a little advance respect the wedding day: a good suggestion could be a week before the wedding. In that way the bride or groom will have recovered and the bags under the eyes have time to disappear!
Before starting off with the organization, the promoter should have clear in mind the likings of the guest of honor . It could be risky to plan a party that is not in the guest’s style.
After all, the spot lights are on her even in this amusing moment. Every excess is therefore not suitable and could end up offensive and out of place.
You should also remember that a hen party has to be organized with a little advance respect the wedding day: a good suggestion could be a week before the wedding. In that way the bride or groom will have recovered and the bags under the eyes have time to disappear!

E infine, veniamo ad un tema spinoso: chi paga? Il galateo del matrimonio è chiaro su questo punto: la festeggiata non dovrà mettere mano al portafogli. Lei, per stasera, dovrà solo divertirsi! Sebbene in precedenza (e ancora oggi in alcune tradizioni) non era raro che l’organizzatore si incaricasse anche di saldare il conto, oggigiorno si è soliti dividere tra gli amici il costo della festa.
Buon divertimento!
And lastly, a thorny question: who pays? Wedding etiquette is very clear on this topic: the guest of honor will not have to use her purse but only have great fun. Even though time ago (and also today in some traditions) the one that organizes should also have to pay, nowadays the friends usually divide the cost of the party.
Have fun!
And lastly, a thorny question: who pays? Wedding etiquette is very clear on this topic: the guest of honor will not have to use her purse but only have great fun. Even though time ago (and also today in some traditions) the one that organizes should also have to pay, nowadays the friends usually divide the cost of the party.
Have fun!
