Oggi vi parlerò della possibilità di sposarsi in un periodo come questo, quando fa freddo e tutto può essere ancora più bello.
Sposarsi in inverno è infatti diventato un nuovo must, complici le atmosfere davvero suggestive e qualche vantaggio economico.
Chi lo ha detto che il matrimonio in inverno è meno affascinante di un matrimonio in estate?
Avete mai pensato di farci un pensierino?
Oppure avete mai sognato di sposarvi in un antico monastero innevato?
Ebbene trasformare il vostro sogno in realtà è più facile di quanto pensiate. Respirare un’atmosfera invernale sarà inevitabile, quindi giocateci e introducete nel vostro matrimonio elementi come il ghiaccio, la neve, le candele, il muschio. Altrimenti, se siete una coppia audace, perchè non pensare a sposarsi all’aperto, protetti da una tensostruttura e riscaldati da lampade apposite e bracieri. In quest´ultimo caso si consiglia di celebrare la cerimonia in tarda mattinata, ovvero nelle ore meno fredde della giornata.Today I’d like to talk to you about getting married in this period, when the cold weather makes everything seem even more beautiful.
Getting married during winter has become the latest must, with the help of suggestive atmospheres and some economical advantage.
Who says that a winter wedding is less fascinating than a summer wedding? Never thought about it? Have you ever thought of getting married in an ancient cloister covered with snow?
Well your dream may come true easier than you may think. It will be inevitable to breathe a winter atmosphere and therefore you can use this introducing in your wedding elements like ice, snow, candles and moss. If instead you feel a bold couple, you could think of getting married in open spaces, protected by a tensile structure heated with special lamps and braziers. In this case we suggest you to organize your wedding in the late morning or early afternoon, when the temperatures are milder.
Getting married during winter has become the latest must, with the help of suggestive atmospheres and some economical advantage.
Who says that a winter wedding is less fascinating than a summer wedding? Never thought about it? Have you ever thought of getting married in an ancient cloister covered with snow?
Well your dream may come true easier than you may think. It will be inevitable to breathe a winter atmosphere and therefore you can use this introducing in your wedding elements like ice, snow, candles and moss. If instead you feel a bold couple, you could think of getting married in open spaces, protected by a tensile structure heated with special lamps and braziers. In this case we suggest you to organize your wedding in the late morning or early afternoon, when the temperatures are milder.
In inverno troverete una grande scelta per quanto riguarda la location del ricevimento, e potrete osare anche con Hotel di lusso e dimore storiche, vista la grande disponibilità di date e i prezzi solitamente più vantaggiosi. Un’ampia sala riscaldata dal fuoco del camino e illuminata da scenografici lampadari di cristallo sarà una cornice ideale per il vostro banchetto di nozze.
E per i fiori, dove ricadrà la vostra scelta?
Rose, ma anche biancospino, pungitopo, sempreverdi, rami di pino e abete da decorare con nastri di tulle e argento. Usate anche delle pigne dipinte come divertenti segnaposto e regalate ai vostri ospiti un oggetto in cristallo che richiami il ghiaccio ai vostri invitati. Accostate poi ai fiori bacche rosse, candele e candelabri a profusione, per creare un ambiente intimo e romantico.
In winter you will find a big choice of locations for your reception, and you could also dare with luxury hotels and historical residences since the availability of dates and prices are usually more favourable. A large dining room heated by a fireplace and illuminated with spectacular chandeliers will be the ideal cornice of your wedding banquet.
And what flowers will you choose?
Roses, ma also hawthorn, holly, evergreens, pine and fir branches that can be decorated with tulle and silver ribbons. You can use decorated pine cones as placeholders and you can offer your guests a crystal object that will remind them of ice. You can use red berries near your flowers, a great number of candles and candleholders to create an intimate and romantic setting.
And what flowers will you choose?
Roses, ma also hawthorn, holly, evergreens, pine and fir branches that can be decorated with tulle and silver ribbons. You can use decorated pine cones as placeholders and you can offer your guests a crystal object that will remind them of ice. You can use red berries near your flowers, a great number of candles and candleholders to create an intimate and romantic setting.

E ricordate che un look invernale è altrettanto elegante e raffinato di quello estivo: per adornare il vostro abito da sposa potrete scegliere fra un’infinità di accessori come soprabiti, cappelli o polsini di pelliccia, spille, sciarpe e meravigliose stole di lana. Le possibilità sono molte di più che nel periodo estivo.
You must remember that a winter look is just as elegant and sophisticated as a summer look: to embellish your wedding dress you can choose between a great number of accessories like overcoats, hats or fur cuffs, brooches, scarves or wonderful woollen stoles. There are in fact many more possibilities than in summer.

E ai piedi osate con stivaletti e stivali, con o senza tacco… c’è da sbizzarrirsi anche con le scarpe!
And for your feet, you can dare with short of long boots, with or without heels… there’s so much to choose from even for the shoes!
A presto!
See you soon!